ISKGA Incident Management
This course covers topics within leadership and incident management relevant for sea kayak guides and coaches.
Price: 4500 NOK
To sign up, send an email to:
We will dive deeper into:
SHEET (signals & safety, human factors, environment, equipment, timings): Group briefing technique
Underpinning exercises: Discovering the technical skill levels of the participants
CLAP (communication, line of sight, avoidance, position): Leadership on the water and on land
STOP (stop, think, observe, perform): Safety procedure for the participant
SAFER (stop, assess, formulate, execute, review): Safety procedure for the leader
PTRG (preach, throw, reach, go): Risk hierarchy for rescue methods
PRWCF (please, remember, what, comes, first): Caretaking of the group on land
Debriefing techniques: Soft skills and how to use them when debriefing
A typical course may look like this:
Day 1: Basic personal skills and leadership skills according to ISKGA
Day 2: Feature and journey leadership. Incident management in rock gardens and surf
Day 3: Longer scenarioes in rock gardens, rescues from land, rope and carabiners, coasteering and paddling at night
Day 4: Personal skills in surf, leadership and rescues in surf
Equipment list:
Tow rope for sea kayaking
Food, water
Waterproof map case
Head torch with red or orange light
Pencil/pen, paper to write notes
Article about leadership for kayakers, in Norwegian:
Article about leadership for kayakers, in English: